Planet Earth spins at 1670 km/hr on the line of the equator. This decreases by the cosine of the latitude so that at a latitude of 45 degrees, cos(45) equals .707 and the speed is .707 x 1670, which equals 1180 km/hr. The line of the equator is the region of the planet that contains the largest amount of forests. They spin faster than the urban centres; faster than the logarithmic calculations of the stock markets in the urban centres. Despite these velocities, modernity’s interchanging hierarchies BIBLE BULL BULLIT spin on wheels; a rather dangerous spinning on wheels with spikes. But Ci, mãe do mato knows that what bleaches the world out of its maladies is the Sun (Vei). Ci spins at 1670 km/hr.

Vei, the Sun
BIBLE BULL BULLIT: Ci, mãe do mato and the technologies of gender
in Five Acts
First Act
Iracema (1st economic index: Brazil is the largest export of coffee, consolidating its economy dependent on the external capital. Iracema is the myth of the native woman who falls for the white man and is destitute of her indigenousness. The she American continent is penetrated by the crusader technological Man. See José de Alencar Iracema of 1865. See also, Shakira La La La)
Vôte vôte coandu!
Vôte vôte cuati!
Vôte vôte taiaçu!
Vôte vôte pacari!
Vôte vôte canguçu!
Second Act, in two movements
First movement: Norma Iracema (aftermath of the Estate policy of “whitening” the population in Brazil as a sign of economic and social progress. Iracema was in fact white and had blue eyes! See O Cruzeiro, nº 29, ano XXIII, 5 May, 1951. See also Coca Cola’s poster girl Gaby Amarantos)
Second movement: Dominique Iracema (artist Flavio de Carvalho discloses the fictionalization of Norma Iracema in a film from 1958. Angelical native woman Iracema/Dominique was imprisoned by the savages (sic) and became a Goddess. The project collapsed and the film was never concluded. It is known that 1958 marked the highest rainfall index in the century on the line of the equator and a subsequent decrease in the cinematographic production in the region. The films rotted before the export/import transactions occurred. Some historians argue that it was a climactic resistance against the foreign technologies’ programmed obsolescence and violence. See Monika Lewinsky and cyber bullying)
Third Act
Iracema (2nd economic index. Iracema is now a prostitute that sells her body at cheap rates on the Transamazônica unfinished highway. Brazil is under a military dictatorship and the inflation rate is at 41%/year. See Jorge Bodanzky and Orlando Senna’s film Iracema, uma transa amzônica of 1976. See also Britney Spears’ market phenomenon “Hit me Baby One More Time” at age 17)
Linda pastorinha
Que fazeis aqui?
Vim buscar meu gado,
-- Maninha,
Que eu aqui perdi
Forth Act
Über Bünchen Iracema (3rd economic index. Speculations on the just white, barely Latin, heavily plasticised billionaire. Post- pre salt –Iracema. See Beyoncé, or the 21st century version of Robocop hatched from the 80’s: a programmed faux pas of an emancipated female with the heart of an emotionally disturbed young soldier, or a broken weapon that keeps warlike capitalist system running. After 26482745721 twits and likes, we claim: They made it!) BULL BIBLE BULLIT
Meu boi bonito,
Boi alegria,
Dá um adeus
Pra toda família!
Ôh…é bumba,
Folga meu boi!
Ôh…é bumba,
Folga meu boi!
Fifth and final Act
Vei Marielle (Ci, mãe do mato was tired of the technological penetrations of the Man of the Cruzades and sent Marielle to Rio de Janeiro, aware of the risk. Marielle spaced out for a second – while contemplating the worldwide boomerang effect of the politics of aesthetics turning itself into the aestheticization of politics – and was shot down with nine BULLIT holes. Ci brought her back to Vei and Vei placed her as one of its locks of hair. From there, she said: Brother Lula, what happened to you, my angel? What devouring degagé scared you out, honey baby? Don’t worry, son. I see from here now, and this here-now composes other views, other tempos, other 1670 km/hr… it’s cost us a lot having been the target of the bullies from up above the equator, bullies of slow cosine, who don’t know their size, who are detached from their land, who live in a windless present, and feel they have to attack and harm other sizes, other velocities, gasping for air. They’re bulldogs high on painkillers that need to inflict pain on others in order to have a sense of relief as protocol. Don’t worry, brother.
For each bulldog, we’ve had Tiradentes, Zumbi dos Palmares, Maria Felipa, Maria Quitéria, Iara Iavalberg, Elenira Rezende, Olga Benário; we still have Zé Celso…
Antianti is tapejara,
--- Pirá-uauau
They thought I was a bear and shot me down. But I was not a bear, I was a black lesbian mom, and black lesbian moms don’t die, they become a lock of Vei’s hair to burn and bleach and corrode bulldogs who think they are privileged enough to do everything they want and can do while in fact they can only penetrate. Just that. Poor people, damned souls: cannibals without rituals; hungry without transcendence; scavengers with disgust of carrion. But not even the insurgence of hatred that contaminates our line of 1670 km/h spinning speed and all the other cosines will incapacitate us to be the subjects of our history. There is no malady that lasts forever, no darkness that resists the disinfection of transparency. You are an idea and are still there. I’m flesh and am already here, by Ci mãe do mato’s force. Ci, mãe do mato is sick and tired of playing this game, and is not finding it funny anymore. Soon you’ll be back and the whole forest will sing I DID NOT COME TO EARTH TO CRY THE THOUSAND TEARS OF A TARANTULA AND THEN LAUGH WITH HIENAS, anticipating the carnival)